Sweet Cheek University, Tiffanie Orr

About Tiffanie

My name is Tiffanie, a Licensed Esthetician in Salmon, Idaho. I've been practicing esthetics for 11 years and own a successful skincare business called Sweet Cheeks Waxing and Skincare with a team of eight amazing women to help the business operate and run smoothly. We see over one hundred repeat customers every month, and one of our top selling services is brazilian waxing.

When I attended esthetics school and received my training in 2011, I didn't fully understand what a brazilian wax even was or what it entailed to do or have done but I was excited to learn more about the process. Much to my disappointment, the training on intimate waxing that me and my classmates received in esthetics school was less than efficient. We were plugged into a quick movie from the 80's on waxing techniques, and then got to watch our instructor perform a brazilian wax on a model while each of us took turns making one nervous, shaky pull off the wax strip. Then we were "ready" to head to the floor and start performing brazlian waxes on clientele. I still think about the poor clients who received a brazilian from student estheticians who weren't even trained properly! Does this sound familiar?

To my dismay, I don't feel as if intimate wax training from the majority of esthetic schools has gotten much better over the last 11 years. It's just not something that is taught well or even taught at all. I'm here to help change that narrative. 

My goal with Sweet Cheeks University is to provide in-depth training for Licensed Estheticians, beauty professionals and current esthetic students with advanced, hands-on training, on-going guidance and continued support to help set you up for success in the treatment room and master the skills and processes needed so you can feel confident in your practice. 

One of my core values is to remain a continued source of support to you throughout your career because I know how important it is to have a reliable place to turn to when questions, concerns or the unknown pops up (as it will). Sweet Cheeks University is committed to your success as an esthetician and offers all SCU course graduates lifetime access to our exclusive VIP group for on-going questions, support and connection as well as an introductory product kit, completion certificate and SCU swag. 

I want to see you win!

xo Tiffanie